
Showing posts from August, 2017

Physical anthropology ? Biology? Art? What career will I study?

Hi again !  The choice of this career it wasn´t easy, it was a long process.  When I was a child I want to be many different things, from dancer to neurologist while I could travel around the world I didn't care. But at around six years a videogame about dinosaurs gave me a real passion for teh paleonthology. Over time this passion focused in our own paleonthology, our body and evolution. Some time after other passion came entered my life, I really loved the visual arts. I began study differents arts in arts academies or whorkshops: I learned draw, paint, a little of pottery and gold work, and film techniques. Then when the time came I  had a hard time deciding. I didn't know if I wanted to be Anthropologist, biologist, or artist. It was a really hard decision, but the anthropology won! I needed know many things about us and in a art carrerit I could never know.  I still learn differents arts techniques and create differents handcrafts and artworks but the university is b

Hello everybody !!

Hello, my real name is francisca, but always call me Tan, Kibi or simply Fran. I'm a single chilean woman but in a relationship ;) I'm almost 20 years old, and I live in Santiago all my life. I'm born in the capital city on December 27th 1996. My nuclear family is very small, my parents, my brother and me, nobody else. My parents are divorced but come and go in their relationship. My little brother is 9 years old and is my adoration <3 sometimes we watch movies our favorite - for watch together- is the Harry Potter saga, we have it over and over again, even now we konw all the dialogues. For many reasons I studied in four different schools: Colegio Cardenal Carlos Oviedo, República de Ecuador, Francisco Arriarán, Carmela Carvajal y Rafael Sanhueza. In parallel I study "drawing and painting" in the Liceo Experimental Artistico of Almirante Barroso.The last year I finished this course and I will graduate with a marked in this área. When I was 19, I went to Uni